Thursday, May 27, 2004
stilleto girl goes rubbershoe shopping
Get this - I'm actually shopping for rubbershoes. Why? I got lured. Yes, I was reeled in like a flapping fish... to what my friends and boyfriend claim to be the greatest deal ever. Seven thousand for the entire year? Cheap! That's what they said. And so the impossible has happened - I, the sportless girl, have enrolled myself to a gym (gasp!). But then I realized... I don't have the shoes for it. Nor the clothes. Unless I can wear vintage dresses from ukay-ukay. Right. But let's focus on shoes first. The "clothes" bit deserve a whole new post.

So there I was, strolling amidst shoes I never even considered looking at. Chunky, metallic, utterly style-less innovations promising ultimate comfort whatever sport you're in. Like comfort ever mattered when you've got 3 more inches, slender heels and sexifying straps working to your advantage.

My boyfriend presented me with a white Adidas number with silver web-like trimmings and lime green highlights. He said, "here's a nice one". Nice?!? They're horrible! The thing looks like a ship. And lime green. The flexibility of that color to be paired with any hue other than itself (or white) is slim to none.

He rolled his eyes and proceeded with presenting me with the next style. These ones, he claimed, has shock-absorbers. Can it absorb the shock on my face because of its horridly shocking color and fabric combination? I don't think so.

Next - a pair of Climacools. Mesh overload. End of. No wonder they were on sale.

And so I ask myself... am I emotionally ready to splurge 3,000 bucks for shoes that adds no sex appeal, slimming illusion, or even an inch of artificial height? Shouldn't I just add a couple of hundreds and get myself Nine Wests on sale? But then... I can't gym with them.

The internal battle ensues. Unless someone can help in finding the perfect rubbershoes for a stilleto girl like me.
dezphaire strapped in @ 11:49 AM  


  • At 4:09 PM, Blogger Cat said…

    Hey! Good for you! At least you're starting to work out. Not that you need it, by the way! My new year's resolution for 2004 was to join the gym across from work. Everytime somebody asks me about it, I say "Next year na lang... sa 2005." And just like you, I do not even own a pair of rubbershoes OR sneakers. I don't even have socks! I like my toes breathing.

  • At 4:48 PM, Blogger asphaire 許泰莎 said…

    Shock. Shock. Utter, shameless shock. I'm a cross-breed between stiletto girl and gym freak and I KNOW how different the mindsets needed to shop for the perfect vampish vs. sporty outfits are. Worlds apart. Even Pluto's distance from the Sun will be humbled. How on earth did YOU end up with a gym membership? Good gawd, I need a drink. Faint.

  • At 7:19 AM, Blogger harveydean said…

    Seven thousand a year!!! Some Gym!!!

    I hope it's worth the pain - twice around...

    Love the verse...



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Sometimes bored. Most of the time oddly alive. Phobic of butterflies. Creatively suppressed. Hungry for coffee and shoes. This is my subconscious talking... at times interrupted by my reality.

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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
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