Monday, August 30, 2004
a baffling thing
I was buying a new pack of ponytails yesterday, because my Goody set of 80 ouchless ponytails have run out. And I came to recall that my officemates and I talked about this sometime back, that no matter how careful you are, ponytails will always get lost. I tried to discipline myself about this - because the ones that could hold my hair up well don't come cheap.
I tried buying them expensive Goody ones, the really thick ones, so I had the mind to be more careful (knowing that it cost me almost 300 bucks for a set of 12). But then they one by one got lost, at a slower rate, but still they got lost. Now I'm back to buying cheap ones, that come in utterly vibrant colors so I can easily spot them. And yet they went awol. I'd have to admit that sometimes I break them, but that probably just accounts for around 10% of the losses. The rest, well, I don't know. So where have all the ponytails gone? I'm sure all of the girls can relate. Is there a big underground haven of lost ponytails? Because no matter how much you comb through your house (beneath the bed, corners of couches, in jean pockets, or bags), these things just can't be found. Does the earth just swallow them up? Do they die and go to heaven? It's one of life's mysteries. The Discovery Channel should do a special on it. 9 Comments:
the disappearing ponytail act, one of the world's greatest mysteries. haha!! dez, so nice to find you here too. bloggers online, the next budding commmunity. keep 'em coming!