Tuesday, March 15, 2005
some enforcement
Security in this country is a big pretend game. Okay fine, they've got dogs, inspections and all those scanner thingies. Not worried about the dogs really. Because by nature, their senses are hundreds of times more than that of ours. Even if they seem malnourished and just lounge around, I'm sure the senses are working. You can't really disable eons of evolved animal instinct. But then again there are the humans. They have these wonderful "inspections" at every entrance that just have the word "inconvenience" written all over it. Okay, I'm bitter. And I have reason to. Because I don't think sticking a stick into a bag helps anyone. For one thing, they don't inspect clutchbags. Like a weapon wouldn't fit in a clutchbag. Duh. I doubt if these inspectors even know what they're looking for. They're just pretending. That said, I shall consider it a waste of time aka inconvenience.
Now since we were on the sticks - it's an observation that there seems to be levels or ranks with regard to these inspectors. The entry position being the one with the basic stick. The stick could be in a form of a drumstick or some splinter of bamboo. They are stuck into the bag and just shuffle your things around. I guess a bomb or weapon would produce some other kind of shuffling as opposed to just normal bag-things. The higher position would be those with the beeping radar-scanner thing. The black paddle with the yellow branding. It beeps. To everything that it comes close to, it beeps. There are some inspectors that would insist that you open your bag for them to stick the radar in. Question is - if it's a radar, isn't it supposed to be able to do its job outside of the bag? DUH. The kinda-higher position is then the one with the radar thing plus a stick. Now I have no idea what added value the stick gives at this point. You already have an electronic gadget. The rationale of having both devices still to be determined. I think the top position is the one with the doorframe scanner. I have greater trust in these gadgets because I've seen them work on the Discovery Channel. The only question I have is why the guards by the scanner would still have sticks. But then again the stick may as well be your SOP inspection gadget. Whatever. How about when they inspect cars? They ask you to open your trunk, take a peek, then just close it. Do they have any criteria as to what is threatening and what is not? What if the bomb was in my shopping bag? There are also those who have what appear to be like rear-view mirrors mounted on plumbing tubes. Talk about makeshift. I don't know if these are legitimate inspection gadgets. And I have no idea as to what these things do. Do they even give them enough visibility on the underside of the car? We wouldn't know. Another useless brain nibbler up for discussion, if anyone would want to take such discussion up. Entertaining, this sense of security we have. It may be false, but entertaining. 6 Comments:
the sticks are wands! they're wands! Idiotic wizards running around the metropolis! NYAAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!