Tuesday, June 02, 2009
TEASER: Engagement Shoot
This is from our good friend Chris Yambing. We had an all-film prenup shoot c/o our lovely pals from Lomomanila. Chris apparently went on a speedy developing and scanning spree. More shots will be coming thru, as soon as film processing is done. We're of course not going to reveal everything... that's for those in the wedding to see :)
Hi Dez! (or Foz? :P) Congrats on your engagement and upcoming wedding! :)
I had you in mind because I'm planning to go into lomo, and I don't know of anyone else who is into it but you. But I know you're busy, and I'll make kulit next time - maybe after your honeymoon, hehe. Meanwhile, I'll go to to the store at Powerplant and ask around first. I've been reading up on it, too, and was actually thisclose to ordering from holgamods.com, today!
anyway, congrats again!