Wednesday, May 30, 2007
silver lining

Originally uploaded by dezphaire.

I worked over the weekend.
I wanted to throw up.
I can't believe I woke up at 6am.
On a Saturday.
And a Sunday.

Good thing there's my holga.
And my vivitar.

They give happiness.

Now if only that Taxona would come along now.
Any moment.

I'm waiting.
It's killing me.

dezphaire strapped in @ 7:10 PM   0 walked through

Thursday, May 24, 2007
maybe a random poem
I'm having this phase again. You know, when you get to thinking if this is what you want with your life. When you're just plain tired. And you trudge. And you can't imagine why the hell you're waking up the next day. And why in the world you're even considering going about that day you've involuntarily woken up into.

That plus none of my doses of happiness (a.k.a. cameras being shipped from the eBay people) have arrived. Sigh. I AM SO FUCKING TIRED. I can't even express how exhausted I am. And that's just after returning from a beached weekend. I wish I never had to go back. I wish the ocean just ate me up. That the sun just burned me to death. I used up the happiness that the beach gave me.

I am working over the weekend. Practically a 14-day work week. Can you imagine that. That's just crazy. I wish I was just some Vanna White person whose job was to flip the letters in some game show. She gets pretty dresses too.


Anyway, I decided to open up a random book. Let the random book be a collection of Pablo Neruda's poetry. This is what it told me:


Maybe - though I do not bleed - I am wounded, walking
along one of the rays of your life.
In the middle of the jungle the water stops me,
the rain that falls with its sky.

Then I tough the heart that fell, raining:
there I know it was your eyes
that pierced me, into my grief's vast hinterlands.
And only a shadow's whisper appears,

Who is it? Who is it? But it has no name,
the leaf or dark that patters
in the middle of the jungle, deaf along the paths:

so, my love, I knew that I was wounded,
and no one spoke there except the shadows,
the wandering night, the kiss of the rain.

I don't know what this means now. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight people.
dezphaire strapped in @ 11:41 PM   1 walked through

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
of bad news and good news

closed doors
Originally uploaded by dezphaire.

Was at my mom's hometown for the weekend. My uncle was running for mayor. So everyone flew up to rally and support his campaign. He's the outgoing Vice Mayor. Among the candidates, he's the only one with experience in office. And a clean, credible, respectable background. Well, as the circle of hell we call politics would have it, voters were conned, bribed and punched sideways. It's a sad thing that he lost. It's very disappointing. How can you really rise above this kind of corruption, when the majority of the people don't know any better. Or everyone's just scared shitless. Doesn't bring us closer to a "better place" anyhow.

Lost. Well one thing for sure... I am NEVER voting again.

But, that aside, the only thing that kept me looking at the brighter side was that I had my cute little plastic camera along for the trip. And the much brighter side of it was that the pictures came out so beautifully! Furthermore, I learned from the seller of the ever-so-awaited Taxona that the camera will take only 2 weeks of shipping. Yey! So I will be happy next week!

I sure hope there are no delays. I need good news now.

dezphaire strapped in @ 12:10 PM   2 walked through

Thursday, May 10, 2007
the craziness will not stop!
This little win will be arriving in 3 weeks. Like yeah, baby!

Now, if only I can distract myself from the pain of waiting.
dezphaire strapped in @ 8:14 AM   3 walked through

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Philippine Daily Inquirer baybeh!
Congratulations Lomomanila! The team got featured in the Lifestyle section of PDI. Grab your copy now (or read through the online version)! And the best part of it, my photo's on the front page! Shet. I'm giddy like anything. Smiling while walking around here at work. Heck, I've got this wide insane grin as I'm typing right now.

I actually don't know what else to say...

acrobatic chips
the photo that made the frontpage.
dezphaire strapped in @ 10:45 AM   8 walked through

My Photo
Location: Philippines

Sometimes bored. Most of the time oddly alive. Phobic of butterflies. Creatively suppressed. Hungry for coffee and shoes. This is my subconscious talking... at times interrupted by my reality.

previous stabs
top of the shelf
the closet
shop around
my shoebox
poetry & lit
reklamadorang ako
launch station
tag me

soundtrack of the moment
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
All words, verses and art are copyrighted to me unless otherwise specified. Authorization and reference required for any form of reproduction or use. Much thanks for your respect and support.
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Kukote Meets The Beauties
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