Wednesday, January 26, 2005
got milk?
I grew up drinking milk. Way beyond the bottle-feeding, okay. When I had the brains to do so, I would abolutely refuse to drink it. Though it did taste good. But just the fact that the habit was being pounded onto us by our parents made such a yummy thing seem revolting. So it went from drinking a glass 3 times a day to 2 times a day... to just drinking in the evening before sleeping.
I don't know if other people share my taste for milk. Chips, for one, prefers chocolate mixes because milk makes him regurgitate. I think now I'd actually want to get back into the habit. I've got my solid (big) teeth and hard nails as testimonials to the benefits of that white, murky liquid. I think a lot of the people I know can attest to how strong my nails are... *evil laugh*. Okay, I just noticed how wayward this post is... does milk help braincells? Hehe. But main point is - drink milk! Or eat something with a lot of milk. If you don't, then start doing it. Because did you know that even a strong sneeze can break your bones if they are weak? And since I love trivia, here are some others I dug up:
Did I mention that I also love the Got Milk campaign? They have one with Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan Mcgregor) and Conan O'Brien. Click here for a higher dosage of milk. 2 Comments: |
having a glass of milk right now :) reading this makes a glass of milk seem adequate sustenance for the evening :)