Wednesday, January 26, 2005
got milk?
I grew up drinking milk. Way beyond the bottle-feeding, okay. When I had the brains to do so, I would abolutely refuse to drink it. Though it did taste good. But just the fact that the habit was being pounded onto us by our parents made such a yummy thing seem revolting. So it went from drinking a glass 3 times a day to 2 times a day... to just drinking in the evening before sleeping.

I don't know if other people share my taste for milk. Chips, for one, prefers chocolate mixes because milk makes him regurgitate. I think now I'd actually want to get back into the habit. I've got my solid (big) teeth and hard nails as testimonials to the benefits of that white, murky liquid. I think a lot of the people I know can attest to how strong my nails are... *evil laugh*.

Okay, I just noticed how wayward this post is... does milk help braincells? Hehe. But main point is - drink milk! Or eat something with a lot of milk. If you don't, then start doing it. Because did you know that even a strong sneeze can break your bones if they are weak? And since I love trivia, here are some others I dug up:
  • Milk could help control body fat and risk of obesity. Researchers have recently discovered that young children who consume lots of milk and dairy products tend to be leaner than those with lower intakes.
  • To get the same amount of Calcium as from a glass of milk from vegetables, a young person would need to munch their way through more than twelve portions of spinach or more than eight portions of red kidney beans or more than four servings of broccoli (yuck).
  • There are approximately 340-350 squirts in a gallon of milk.
  • Milk is better for cooling your mouth after eating spicy food. Milk products contain casein, a protein that cleanses burning taste buds.
  • It takes 12 pounds of whole milk to make one gallon of ice cream!

Did I mention that I also love the Got Milk campaign? They have one with Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan Mcgregor) and Conan O'Brien. Click here for a higher dosage of milk.

dezphaire strapped in @ 1:52 PM  


  • At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    having a glass of milk right now :) reading this makes a glass of milk seem adequate sustenance for the evening :)

  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    the Dory that I am, I will have to have a post-it reminding me to buy milk (or any other dairy product). I wrote this post and I'm not even doing it! Demmit.


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