Maabilidad talaga ang pinoy. Pinoys are really resourceful. They strive to be better. They are streetsmart. How can you really translate this? Pinoys will always find a way. You can take this positively or negatively. Although there are a lot of things to be proud of (i.e. accomplishments, inventions, and what nots), I will take the latter. Maybe it's the PMS. Anyway, onto the point of this post:
I often encounter these
maabilidad-moments when I'm driving. Because pinoys will always find a way... to take
shortcuts. Whether they are driving, walking, bicycling or even limping. Like instead of occupying the one lane assigned for turning right (or left), motorists give birth to another lane or two. Or how about a two-lane fly-over is up ahead, and there are four lanes trying to squish themselves in (the two other lanes brought about by scumbags who get away with being such).
I've grown to accept (
somewhat) this scum-bagging. What can I do? I don't drive Bigfoot. I wish I did, so I can TRAMPLE ALL OVER THEM! Because they are stupid! And you know what's even more stupid than stupid drivers? STUPID PEDESTRIANS! They will find a way to take shortcuts too. And in the process they will probably take a shortcut to hell. Now this is really the meat of this post. I've always ranted about cars and buses. But I shan't forget those without protective tin cans around them.
Maabilidad nga sila.
Because no matter what the authorities do (if they ever do anything), these people and their death wishes will still prevail. They strive to better any attempt to temper this so-called resourcefulness. In major roads like
Espana, there are metal bars in the middle of the road to stop people from jaywalking. What happens? People cut out a bar or two so that they can squeeze themselves in between, quite unglamorously, to get to the other side. All this trouble and an overpass is right above them. STUPID! You know that new fly-over installed on
Meralco Avenue? The one that goes over Julia Vargas? It has a
concrete divider running from one end to the other. An objective was to force the jeepneys to do their loading and unloading
under the flyover and not bother motorists with unnecessary stopping. But of course, they wouldn't want to go through the trouble of crossing the traffic light below when they can just fly above. Hence, loading and unloading takes place
on the flyover. What did they do with the concrete barrier? They jump it. Like sheep. While cars are honking and desperately trying to slow down. This morning, I notice there is actually a makeshift wooden ladder leaning on divider. They can now step over, with more poise. Resourceful, yes, but still STUPID!
Yup, what a post following the grand-Filipino-achievement feel of Corregidor right?
I don't know what gives. Reality, perhaps? Coz it really does bite.
it doesn't come in a more blunt manner "Walang Tawiran Nakamamatay." we can't blame Bayani Agbayani Fernando for bitching and wetting unorderly pedestrians and terrorizing the streets of metro manila. it's not a sign of pagiging maabilidad because of all the things they are - ignorant of the law, daredevils and illiterate (they can't even read Filipino signs in blue and pink). i think motorists who run over jaywalkers especially under the overpasses and footbrigdes and in front of dividers should not be held responsible for the stupidity of the roadkill. in that way we can solve overpopulation, moronization and illiteracy.
MMDA will be throwing paintball at jaywalkers. when asked for comments, people on the street would disagree with it and say "nang-aabala lang sila..."
But these people who don't use the sidewalk and pedestrian lanes are PRECISELY abala to everybody else.
I guess someone should translate Immanuel Kant's Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals into Filipino and FORCE it on everyone. Act so that your maxim could be treated as universal law. One's actions should be good not only from his point of view but for everyone.
Long live Bayani Fernando!
Ey, i heard there was a shootout between guards along Pearl Drive. Freaky. Parang wildwild west. For a parking lot. tsk tsk...
Pontifex and I are again at BangBang Coffee. Hehehe. :)