I am so addicted to Cooper. Every night, whatever time I come home, and in whatever state of stress I am, I
just have to play with him. He's like my little project. Call me a stage mother.
He finally responds to his name. And he already knows how to sit and lie down on command. He's quite lacking on the "come here" department though. He'd much rather go into this "not moving" stage after he's lied down (which is much like me). My next project is this "say hello" trick I found on the internet. The idea is that when you say "say hello", he rests his head on your lap for you to pet him. Wouldn't that be so cute?
Now I want to go home. Gad, I so want to go home. Just look at that cutie.

awww.. ang cute!
sana hindi mag selos si papa chips. ;)