Tuesday, September 27, 2005
some random thingies
Scattered thoughts. Here and there.
I want to go home to play with Cooper. My big boss is moving to Saatchi China as Regional Account Director. I need to re-organize my cubicle. It's such a mess. Just halfway through "Name of the Rose". Difficult. Very. I just finished a competitive analysis. Yey. I am dreading all the meetings tomorrow. My nailpolish is badly chipped. Manicure!!! Wonder when Cooper will get fat and muscular? I am back on my Buffy-Spike obsession. When is the new season of CSI Las Vegas coming? The three things you probably don't know about me tag: ~ I don't like writing with blue ballpens. I think they're messy. ~ I still have my high school & college notes filed at home. ~ I can't take anything spicy (I redefine low tolerance) I sure hope we could sell the cars so we could buy a new one. Mosquitos seem to have a liking of biting me. I want to go home now. Okay, there's my ride. I'm going home. 5 Comments: |
but i hope you're enjoying the name of the rose immensely. eco's a great story teller. galing ng thrill nya!