Friday, January 20, 2006
the tag of suffering
Because Abaniko is right. I cannot ignore this challenge. And so I, in all my low-batt-ness, hereby present the last sane spurt of my hanging braincells.
The rules: (1) write a 100-to-200-word entry using the following words: I, me, blow job, grapes, random, power, loneliness, water, robot and blue; (2) use these words once and only once; and of course (3) the entry should make sense. This is taking forever. She hated the smell of the clinic. Its cobalt blue chairs. Its power-tripping receptionist. She looks like a robot with fat and a pashmina scarf. They should replace this cheap coffee table. They should replace the cheap plastic fruitbowl on it too. She gave the grapes some random pokes. God, that other girl is probably giving the doctor a blow job. To mellow her state of annoyed immobility, she heads for the water fountain. And bumps into the receptionist who looks back at her, stupefied. What, did I just magically mushroom into your horrid office? Can we help you? The scarfed one says. Sigh. No, not anymore. Am just gonna get me a knife, wallow in loneliness and sever an artery. Thanks. *evil laughter* 9 Comments: |
im doing mine now. its currently a draft in my computer. hehehe