Thursday, December 14, 2006
there's this packing spam again
I don't know how it happened. But even with this word verification thing on, there's this packing spammer invading my comments. And it's the longest collection of nonsense ever. I actually don't mind deleting it. But dammit it's longer than a healthy tapeworm. I deleted one from the comment box of this post last night. And this morning, wahey guess what? The same post now has a brand new spanking packer spam comment!
Is it because I haven't switched to Blogger Beta? What's the deal with this thing? We are not safe!!! I have turned on the comment moderation option, in the hopes to control this thing. I hate the concept of having to moderate anything. I hate the idea of adding steps. But if it helps moderate stress levels, I'm going to give it a go. Apologies in advance to those who like seeing their comments instantaneously. 4 Comments: |
Word verification sometimes don't work like magic. I also hate "moderating" comments cuz it only eats your time to log-in and approved them esp when you have a 50 spams or so that get thru per day will give you headaches (now that I'm on a wireless I can't hardly stay online these days). I don't know if blogger has a plugin to catch the spammers.
Keep the moderation/verification "on" all the time. At least you can delete the unwanted comments.