Sunday, November 19, 2006
the day after the birthday
I often think that diving into and swimming within this mess called adulthood causes things to lose meaning. Like everything else gets consumed and transformed into something stress-related. Like getting a year older isn't a big deal. Celebrating the day you were born gets... mundane. It somehow mutates into this standard day. Am I being too much of a grinch? Speaking of grinch, I haven't started Christmas shopping. And I'm beginning to hate the rush. Argh. This is so bad.
Anyway, it was my birthday yesterday. And I spent it amidst running deadlines and anxiety-filled conversations. But I thank the people who greeted me yesterday, and made me feel light-hearted, even if it was only for the duration of the greet. My mom was so sweet. She gave me a shirt that said "Shoe Addict. Still finding a cure." It was printed in gold letters, against white. From my sister, a shrunken vest that she got from her Italy trip (she said to pick amongst her pasalubongs which to consider the birthday gift). Two novels from Apester. A tripod from Chips (he always comes up with the most distinctive gifts). More reasons to spend on cameras and films! Hehe. And my co-workers surprised me with a cake, pansit and barbecue mirienda. You know, the happy-birthday soft cake with them flower icing things. Really nice. But then we had to go back and prepare for another meeting, and another meeting. My birthday wish -- that next year, the day will be spent with more ease. That it will not be prone to losing its meaning. That Lord God, I sure hope that the Saturday slated for that celebration won't be jinxed with a shoot. Or a business trip. Or anything like that. Really. 11 Comments:
well, belated happy birthday, at least.