Wednesday, February 23, 2005
brain nibblers
Did you know that 90% of household dust is composed of dead skin cells? Yuck. But could be true. Because a person can shed an average of 40 kilos of skin in a lifetime. Yes. That much. Can you imagine that? If you didn't shed skin, you'd be 40 kilos heavier! And if you shed more... could you be lighter? Hey, that can be a campaign for exfoliation... you can lose weight with it!
But that household dust thing got me thinking. What about them uninhabited houses? Who sheds skin there? Did the other 10% just go forthe and multiply? And what about the conception (of my mom, at least) that it's less dusty in the States? Do they shed less? Bah. Anyway, whatever. Just some useless discussion points for your brain to nibble on. If it's nibble-able. 1 Comments:
Wow cool yan ah! You just got my imagination running... in a very sick morbid way. Wehehehehe. Ashes to ashes dust to dust. From the earth we came and to it shall we return..deformed shadows of our former selves...