Thursday, February 10, 2005
without meat
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. A day of fasting and abstinence. I dreaded the no-meat thing. Meat is my sole source of sustainance. I eat minimal veggies and I don't like seafood. So I usually abstain from coffee and just eat meat. Coffee, for those who know me, is the reason why my blood flows during the day. But come Lent, I'd rather be catching Zzz's than an ulcer.

The thing is, I haven't been getting good sleep (as if I get enough sleep anyway) lately. So yesterday I was barely awake as I trudged to work. I couldn't, for the life of me, keep my senses alive and it felt like my neck would let go of my head at any moment. I therefore opted to take coffee and not eat meat that day. Gad. It felt like PMS.

This is me without meat:
- sleepy
- slow
- bratty
- impatient
- whiny
- highly irritable
- irrational

Yep. Surely a sacrifice to have been with me that day. All in the spirit of Lent.
dezphaire strapped in @ 9:25 AM  


  • At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    naku, i should have made the meatless month bet with you pala... that way i actually stand a good chance of winning :P

  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    hehe. yes april, you picked the wrong sister. she could survive on non-fat cheese and vegetable crackers. her will to diet is unbelievable (and so are her binges... but don't tell her i told you that).

  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger drivebyshooter said…

    i don't know how i'll survive without meat either. heck, i don't know how i'll survive on one meal. it's a wonder we all manage to survive through lent.

    anyway, nice new template!


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