Tuesday, May 24, 2005
changing face
I walked into Let's Face It (a facial care / derma center) to have my lashes permed last Sunday - at that that time, I felt that this was a catapult into the world of mega ka-kikayan. That feeling faded as I saw behind the reception area. It was packed like sardines. Men were getting facials, this woman was getting some cellulite treatment, yada yada yada. There was a woman who was having a foot spa, some facial peeling treatment (it made a whizzing sound similar to that of a dentist) and a manicure all at the same time. I was amazed at the menu of things a person could have done on him/herself. All for so-called self betterment. They made my lash-perming effort so miniscule.
As I lay there waiting, I heard this woman arrive. She said she was there for her regular whatever-peeling treatment. How regular could this induced peeling be? Your skin renews itself on its own. I visualize her having only one layer of her epidermis left, with her facial muscles almost visible. Do they even think that they look better? Their skin looks like plastic. Barbie's skin actually looks more natural. I saw this special on some show about plastic surgery. There's this woman actually spending so much just so she could look like Nefertiti. Because she's a queen and she's the epitome of beauty and she feels that she's a reincarnation. Right. She looks absolutely horrendous. She looks like the bust all right. But maaaan! It's just so unnatural, it's scary. Chips was also telling me about this woman who got addicted to plastic surgery (a special on Dateline). She's like chopsuey. Imagine a face with the nose of Michael Jackson, the lips of Angelina Jolie, the jaw of Jennifer Anniston... and I don't know what else. They showed a picture of her before all the knife-weilding and she looked so much better. Almost like Julia Roberts actually. Then there's this show on MTV called I want A Famous Face. It documents the plastic surgery of teens and young adults. I have no idea what the objective of this show is. To discourage? To promote? To just plain entertain? God knows. I can't actually fathom WHY these people can't be happy with what they have. Each one is beautiful. Each one is a gift, no matter what the looks, what the shape or size. It's difficult to figure out the deeper motivations for such editing (if there are any) especially if such doesn't even seem to be needed. But it's easy to understand why Al Pacino, playing the devil, calls vanity his favorite sin. 9 Comments:
kumusta ang kulot? hope it turned out well!