Sunday, May 08, 2005
the heat it kills
Before anything, I'd like to greet my mummy Happy Mother's Day. Mwah to you! I give you a big, sweaty smack on the cheek! Yes, sweaty is today. It is excrutiatingly hot. Picking clothes is growing more and more difficult. Normally, a weekend meant a mini-skirt and a thin shirt. But it was Sunday. And church is one hard thing to dress for. You need to be decent, but you need to survive the humidity. I made a mistake of wearing jeans tonight. They stuck to my skin. And my mom liked sitting in the front row. Which meant that we were closer to being baked by the hallogen lights on the altar. Though there was a huge industrial fan, it was just circulating hot air. No "new", cool air. Like there was cool air anyway.

The day we spent just at home. My mom was locked up in the room with airconditioning. Dad had an electric fan blasting directly at him while watching some golf tournament on TV. My sister was in her sports bra. I was in a bikini top. The dogs were lying on their backs, bellies up in the air trying to catch the air swing of the electric fan.

My mom believes that I am so close to getting skin cancer. Everytime she sees my skin color, I can feel her wince. I really can't understand why she still has this fixation on being fair. She refuses to let me set foot on a beach again. Bah. Nothing's stopping me from Bora. The only gripping fear? The monthly friend. Double bah.

The heat it makes blogging coherently difficult too.
dezphaire strapped in @ 9:48 PM  


  • At 2:36 AM, Blogger Cat said…

    Ugh! I know what you mean. I am so unlucky. Every time I go to Boracay, the monthly friend comes along. (That's why in my pictures, my puson is bloated! Yak! So make sure to cover your puson when takin pictures!)

  • At 8:21 AM, Blogger jk said…

    dang! ang init talaga! hehe... my mom also spent half of the day yesterday inside the room with aircon on SUPER high cool. my dad and i were watching tv, enjoying the number 3 air from a medium sized industrial fan. hahaha...

    when i see the our garden, parang desyerto. ung ibang part ng lupa, nag cra-crack na sa init. nakakaawa.

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    cat: ack! if there's any medical or surreal way to delay this "friend", i'd take it! argh.

    kateh: our garden is still surviving i think... kawawa yung dogs. na-uulol na sila sa init.

  • At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    dang! mainet talaga noh!! summer class pa naman ako tapos sobrang inet feeling ko pati underwear ko basa na ng pawis!!

  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger jk said…

    sabi pala sa news kagabi. ung temp nung sunday was the HOTTEST so far nitong summer season.


    buti naman umulan kagabi sa amin. 2 and a half hours of continous rain. sarap!

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    jeff: hindi ko alam kung pano mo natatagalan sutana mo. gawin mong miniskirt. start ka ng summer trend.

    sheanne: sana may aircon yung summer classes nyo. or may portable bentilador ka.

    kateh: grabe. Sunday was hell talaga. nakakabaliw sa init.


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Location: Philippines

Sometimes bored. Most of the time oddly alive. Phobic of butterflies. Creatively suppressed. Hungry for coffee and shoes. This is my subconscious talking... at times interrupted by my reality.

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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
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