Tuesday, May 10, 2005
bob marley and rain
I have a dilemma this morning. Fittingly, it is raining. To make me feel better, I pop in my new Bob Marley CD. Now it's time for some deep thinking. Or at least attempt some deep thinking.
As you have read in my previous posts, I am due to go to Bora at the end of the month. More specifically, from the 29th to the 1st of June. My vacation leaves have been filed since April. For more perspective, this trip is for free. Because of a promo from Globe - where I got a very good package of a new line with a new phone, just to get a free Boracay trip. Now for the dilemma. My family wants to go to China. It was supposed to be for the first weeks of May but they never told me when the dates would be. Hence, no leaves filed. Now they have dates. Now they tell me. The flight leaves on the 20th (Friday) and I'll be back for work by the 25th (Wed). That's the week before my Boracay trip. What to do, what to do. My bosses will kill me. The Bora trip HAS to push through. The flights and everything else are booked. Since it is a promo, it will be forfeited if I cancel. The China trip will also HAVE to push through. My parents will absolutely disown me for always coming home late from work and not being with them enough. My mom is so close to marching into my office and fight for human rights. Sigh. If I don't get to China with them, my parents would surely but the Bora trip on trial. Argh. Resign nalang kaya ako. 7 Comments:
i'd love to have your dilemma, hehehe.
just compensate for the days away from work by working in the weekends starting this weekend. hehehe