Monday, July 18, 2005
the temptation center
Greenhills. It is the work of the devil. It is where tempters abound. And I am a victim! A sinner, purchasing more than I should. I was supposed to just get a black polo shirt (ala Lacoste). After accomplishing this, we move on to search for a Sony Clie charger, since Chips lost his. Here the tempters from the kingdom of computer geek-ness beckon. I end up buying an Adobe Photoshop CS installer. I also realize that this is a perfect place to haggle for a flashdrive. Which I end up buying too. A 256MB flashdrive at a (good) price of 1,200 Php with a 1 year warranty. Not bad. But bad for the wallet. Bad Fozzy, bad.
Chips didn't get to find a charger compatible with his Clie. His wallet is saved. I, on the other hand, succumed once again. Army green cropped pants. It comes with a gold sash as a belt. I picked it out from the rack and showed it to Chips - "Hun, isn't it cute?" And he actually provoked the purchase with this line - "Yeah, why don't you try it on?" So I thought, yeah, no harm in trying it on right? I anyway had the mindset that I had enough purchasing. NOT! The pants fit oh-so purrrfectly! I blame Chips for this. He said they fit really nice when I asked him. He seconded the motion! It's his fault! The devil conspired with him! Who am I kidding. 4 Comments:
good luck with the clie charger! those things arent being made anymore. as a last hope you can check out yung mga Octagon or Columbia computer stores. they may have there.