Wednesday, September 07, 2005
the historian
Because of my friend's resignation from the Agency, I have no early breakfast partner. And so I have contented myself with coffee and the new novel I have, which has been mistaken as a dictionary, a biology book and a history textbook because of its size and thickness.

I am nearing the end of this book and I am very pleased with the purchase of it. Like the Dan Brown novels, I am in awe with the amount of research that apparently went into the writing of this story. Another beautifully crafted data dump. Although there are some parts predictable, it's still quite a page turner. I just don't know if the predictability and/or the page-turning is brought about by my previous research on the vampire lore (I am a Buffy fanatic and did my term paper on Vampirism). But whatever it is, I find it to be a good book. Something that I will be showcasing beside by Witching Hour and Dante Club novels.

Just a few more chapters and on I go to The Name of the Rose.

I find that drinking coffee while alone is not as much a pleasure of drinking coffee while alone with a good book. Don't you agree?
dezphaire strapped in @ 8:12 PM  


  • At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i definitely agree! *sigh* makapunta ngang library tommorow.. oops no! hindi pala pwede.. busy busy! baka maoverdue at magbayad pa ko.. hehe

  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger dreaming-neko said…

    may i join you for breakfast coffee? i'm not as interesting as a novel, but a bit more interactive :)

  • At 8:17 AM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    she: sometimes when i get a good book from the library, i forget that it's not mine... dang.

    dreaming-neko: hehe and we can talk about credit cards and purchases? :)

  • At 8:40 AM, Blogger dreaming-neko said…

    we'll wait for the shops to open! :)

  • At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i can't wait for you to get to name of the rose hehe. it's not entirely page-turning but it's also an incredible wealth of information and a whodunnit in a 14th century monastery is always bound to work at some level :)

  • At 1:55 PM, Blogger qroon said…

    pasama naman sa kapihan :)

  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    apester: i'm starting out on the Name of the Rose already. although i'm getting confused about all the monks i've been reading (The Historian featured monasteries too). i'll resume tomorrow... maybe then i'll be less monk-confused.

    qroon: let's join together in spirit... parang horror story effect...

  • At 7:44 AM, Blogger Abaniko said…

    The Name Of The Rose is an interesting read. A classic full of suspense. Enjoy the book.

    I'll link you up. :-)

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    abaniko: it's interesting alright, but a wee bit verbose. not the kind for me to read when coffee hasn't kicked in yet... i end up re-reading the chapter :)

    thanks for the link. will do too.


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