Tuesday, August 09, 2005
belated birthday post
We celebrated Chips' birthday last Saturday. Now unlike my oh-so prepared friend Cat who's working her way up to domesticated goddess-dom with her mega celebration of her A's birthday, I again got lost amidst the hubbub of short-term memory and stress. The deal was that I wouldn't get him a gift. I would instead give him a hefty serving of Igado, an ilocano dish we prepare at home, for his little dinner-drinking party. But still, I wanted to give him something. I wasn't going to cook the dish anyway. I decided to get him a pair of fins for snorkling, since he broke his other pair and was absolutely devastated about it. The store has two branches known to me: Galleria and Park Square.

I wonder when I was going to buy the fins though. I, ever the procrastinator, decided to buy it the weekend before his birthday (also because that's when pay's out). I was with him on Saturday, so that gave me Sunday. Come Sunday - I completely forgot to go out. It was such a dreary day that I just sat at home, reading books. Oh and how time flies when you're reading books. So there. Attempt one - not even attempted.

So the next attempt would be during lunchtime or after work. If I get it at lunch, I could just hide it in the office (note: we carpool to work, so I'd have to wait for a day when I'd be bringing the car to bring it home). But lo! Lunch meetings galore from Monday through Wednesday. But lucky for me, we decided to bring separate cars on Wednesday. So I rushed all my paperwork (apparently not rushed enough), because when I got to Park Square, the store was closed. Demmit! I pan to the right. A bazaar is just about to close. Ka-ching! I ended up buying two belts... for myself. Attempt two - failed.

No other day during the week would be possible. Thursday and Friday we'd be carpooling again. So, it was the day of his birthday. The day of his birthday just so happens to be my cousin's birthday, who was having a little party at their condo on Pioneer (ah, so close to Galleria! Perfect!). After the party, I convince my parents to go to the mall for me to buy Chips' gift. And yes, I got them! Success! And to that, I also bought one skirt, two tank tops, and one pair of pants from Terranova plus black boots from Bass. They were on sale - come on. Attempt three - success to the nth power.

I really need to fix this cramming thing. I am so bad. After 5 birthdays with him you'd think that I'd learn my lesson. Maybe next year.
dezphaire strapped in @ 7:59 AM  


  • At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you're too young to be forgetful dear!!!

    teka, tama ba yun? mas marami ka pang nabili for yourself in those 3 attempts?!?! hehehehe

  • At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oo nga dez, bakit parang when you shop for chips you end up with more stuff for you haha. must be some deeply ingrained primal instinct

  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    jojo: i know! i am such a Dory. i probably account for half of Post-it's market shares (for the little quarter sized ones).

    i realized that the price of Chips' gift doesn't even come close to half of the total expense for my stuff.

    apester: it seems to be quite a trend with me, huh.

    i am so bad.

  • At 5:13 PM, Blogger jk said…

    belated happy bday kay papa chips!

  • At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    same here! i'm a procrastinator and oh so forgetful too! where's chips? post a pic of him i'm curious (chismosa), lol..

  • At 12:29 AM, Blogger Cat said…

    Can I sing a birthday song for Chips?

    Really??? It's okay? Sure?

    Okay... here goes...

    Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happpppy Birrrrthday, dear FOZZYYYYYY. Haaa-pppeee Berthdaaaay tooooo youuuuu!

    Dami mong regalo ah!

  • At 2:22 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    kateh: thanks daw!

    she: yumayaman ang post-it sa akin. grabe.

    cat: haha Lol! i should have wrapped everything i bought huh. to complete the effect :)


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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
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