Monday, February 06, 2006
a dose of testosterone
I woke up with a splitting headache this morning. Aside from that, my shoulders hurt. That part around the nape of my neck? Yah, that's splitting too. And to top it all off, my right hand hurts. Specifically my index, middle and ring fingers. Now what could have possibly caused all this? The man in me obsessively trying to win in Need for Speed Most Wanted.
Well, like I'm any good. It took me ages before I could even qualify to race against the #15 guy on the blacklist. I also need to learn how to evade the police better. Demmit. And I lost almost all my money shopping for beautifying car parts (now there's the woman in me). Now my Chevy Cobalt is hot pink, donning a white flame with orange outlines on either side. That's as far as descriptive accuracy gets for me with cars. Since this is the woman in me talking, the rest of the car parts are just... alien. I do know that I bought a body kit that makes the car look fat and low. It also has one of those spoiler things that stick out the back. And I also know that I got it 20" rims in a beautiful color of light gold. Oh and I didn't forget to buy stuff for the inside - some Pro engine thingamajiggies, nitrous oxide, and this thing that improves suspension. Guys, just kill me. Haha. So that's what I did for five hours yesterday. Very productive, I think. 5 Comments: |
oohh nice! inggit ako. haha the prettifying your car part is fun, noh.