Thursday, February 02, 2006
i love baguio

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At long last, I get to post about our Baguio extravaganza! The cool breeze and the fresh pine air was absolutely refreshing. Exactly what I needed to the knots of stress out of my body. I swear, there's something about the cool climate that makes eating more enjoyable. And of course, there's ukay-ukay. The haven for cheap vintage finds and great deals. It was just... mind-blowing. So much so that I spent well over 3,000 Php! And they were all just gorgeous. Can I just be a professional ukay-er?

I so wanna go back and bring Chips. I sure hope he can stand this kind of shopping. Hehe. For all of you planning to go, and who love ukay, here are the two must-go spots (at least in my book):

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Inside the Bayanihan Center:
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Views from the car, on the way home.
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dezphaire strapped in @ 12:01 PM  


  • At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    .. and sadly, I've never been there. Eversince, it's one the best places that I really realllyyyyy like to visit.

  • At 10:49 AM, Blogger Abaniko said…

    This reminds me of my female colleagues in Marketing who would go to Baguio one weekend just to buy stuff from ukay-ukay. Ladies!

  • At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Baguio is one of my fave places in the world! Na-miss ko tuloy :(

  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger she said…

    wow ukay ukay. i haven't bought anything sa ukay ukay YET!! soon.. oops!! i still have that meme (tag of suffering)due!! haha.. i'll do it soon sheesh i forgot about it na..

  • At 6:57 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    knoizki: huwaaat??? you should try ukaying. it's an experience. dala ka lang ng alcohol.

    abaniko: what is it about marketing and ukay... hmmm.

    jojo: absence makes the heart grow fonder :)

    she: it's addictive. at least for me. hehe. once you pop, you can't stop.

  • At 10:19 AM, Blogger The Nashman said…

    Damn, I miss ukay-ukay.

    Nice narrative. Now I'm homesick.


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