Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I went to the gym Monday. It was really a milestone. I subscribed to the program almost a month ago, and I finally got the time to go. Anyway, since it was my first day, they had to do this fitness test. Toplines, I'm pretty healthy - or as they would put it, within the norm. Fat accounts for 25% of my body mass. My abdominal muscles are strong, the trainer says, based on the crunches test. At least that got me plus points. But my cardio performance was poor. After that step test, my pulse skyrockets from normal to erratically hyper. I also gave up on the push-up test. But in fairness, my arms also hurt from the badminton last week (still). Since we finished that evaluation early, I was put on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I totally lost any form of stability and orientation after that. Probably some form of motion sickness. It was a miracle that I didn't topple over the stationary bikes lined up beside the treadmill when I got off.
I am to go back to the gym today, because we will prepare the work-out program. Please pray for me. 4 Comments:
going to the gym? good girl!!