Thursday, September 28, 2006
the blogging question
It's raining and flooding. And some people probably wouldn't come to work. I'm the first in our team to arrive. So with stalling work first and foremost in my mind right now, let me write about writing. Err, blogging. As inspired by some provoking thoughts by Knoizki.
Why do I blog, you say? Expression. Freedom. Uncontrollable thoughts. Creativity. Outlet. Communication. I started blogging because I didn't have time to write anymore. A good friend of mine introduced me to the concept. Because we were both writers (and she is now, professionally) and I always ranted about work always swamping over inspiration. My ring-bound notebook has been abandoned. So the initial intent of this blog was to be an outlet of repressed creativity. An easier way to publish poetry, whatever short stories. Because really, I didn't want to stop writing. I wanted it to be poetic. Dramatic. Like theater. Then at some point, my subconscious decided that writing here should have no limits. Nor rules. This blog should not be cornered into a template, so to speak. I've shared with you some poetry. I've also shared a short story. More than that, I think I've also shared my life - my soul. And the drama lies there. And I think you get the picture. I don't think I blog to get comments. It does help - because I know people are reading, and appreciating, and motivating me. But primarily, I think I blog because I feel the need to express myself. If not through creative literature, then through this. If not through oil paintings, then through this. Okay. Enough drama. Have a good day and blog on! 8 Comments:
wooooo!! that's me that's me!!! hahaha i actually made a mark in your life! im honored!
okay sa wordpress, daming options! but it's a whole new world of codes altogether.. goodbye HTML.