Thursday, August 31, 2006
resurrecting the addiction
I downloaded Snood the other day. I just recalled that I hadn't played it in ages. So I happily installed the game on Bo. From then on, I spend almost the entire evening beating my own top score. On the "Puzzle" game, I even went as far as completing all the possible levels. Until it told me that there are no more puzzles to solve, and that I am an extraordinary Snood player. This was at 1 AM this morning.

The game has five settings - child, easy, medium, hard, and evil. I've never won an "evil" game. Never.

That will be my next goal.
dezphaire strapped in @ 2:49 PM  


  • At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i hear you shoot things in this game. anything that involves shooting is right by me haha.

  • At 11:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    mai-download nga ito ate pag may time...sana magka time rin ako para maglaro...hehe...

  • At 3:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Baka masira at magloko si Bo? Take it easy there.

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    apester: shooting AND watching them fall into oblivion *evil laughter*

    idealpinkrose: it's a sure-fire addictive game sis. maghanda ka :)

    K: i know, but i think so far he's enjoying it too. hehe.

  • At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there! Another snood addict just like me! hahaha....I never get tired of this game even if I've been playing it for close to 3 years. :-) I've never completed the puzzle though...I can't seem to get over the last stage. I like choosing my own setting. I've completed the evil stage quite a number of times (3 years ba naman eh...hahahaha).


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