Monday, October 02, 2006
i need painkillers
There's this throbbing pain on my left temple. I had it since yesterday. Actually, yesterday my entire head was throbbing. I don't know why. I was walking through Greenhills last night and it was like my skull just flared.
Maybe it's the fact that we haven't had electricity for the past four days. The storm took down four big posts. Two of them the type that had that trash-can-looking things hanging at the top. We have a generator on, to keep the fridge and freezer cool. It's also on at night, to at least have the little electric fan run. It gets turned off at around 2am, when the air gets relatively cool. Maybe it's the whizzing and buzzing being drilled into my head as I sleep. And maybe it's because I wake up all sweaty because by that time, the sun's already beaming into my room. Maybe shmaybe. It's extraordinarily bright now. I took my sister to school, and I've never seen the campus (the little that we got) so bare and bright. The trees (again, the little that the campus actually has) have been tapered and reduced to shrubbery. The main roads of Makati are likewise unshaded. I am grateful though that the trees along Mckinley Road survived. It will be a while till they get their thick, lush greens back. I hope that by the time I get home tonight, we'd have electricity. In the meantime, I should find myself some painkillers. Bah. Work. 7 Comments:
remember the trick with painkillers is to keep them steady in your bloodstream. so start with the 250 fast relief, then a couple of hours later take in a 500 :) whee!