Monday, December 18, 2006
cramming for christmas
The bad thing about procrastinating for gifts, aside from getting smushed together with all the other crammers, is that you really feel the money diminishing. It's like this big ka-blam of hey, the money's gone. The big price of being unprepared. Having no list and bad memory is a really evil combination. It's either I double-buy gifts for some person, or totally forget someone. Nevertheless, I've gone totally overboard on budget. I didn't have time to go to-and-from Divisoria. So I'm stuck scouring the available bazaars for available gifts fitting (hopefully not force-fitting) people I remember to give gifts to at that moment.
But the good thing about whatever's happening is -- I am very, very happy wrapping the gifts. It's like some form of meditation. Just with a resulting backache or stiff neck. But I swear, I will be entirely content if I was just some gift-wrapper lady in some bookstore. I played Santa distributing the little gifts this morning. And it was a happy morning. Even if it was a Monday. Now I have to think of what to cram for the rest of the people. Like my mom. My dad. My sister... *sigh*. Santa will be sooo not proud of me. 9 Comments:
like you, i also complain about all the gastos. but when it comes to wrapping the gifts, i do enjoy it immensely! feeling ko ang generous ko :P