Tuesday, June 22, 2004
so early and yet they roam
Barely in my senses as we drive down Pasay Rd on the way to work this morning, I was taken aghast by a horrid, horrid sight. This early in the morning this wondrous view greets my barely-opened eyes - a fashion victim walking along Park Square 1 of the Ayala Center.
I know, I may be too harsh. There are a lot of fashion victims and they roam the streets oblivious to the disbelief they instill in people like me. And, sigh, we can't rescue all of them. But shouldn't everyone, females in particular, at least know how to wear the proper undies? It wasn't enough that this woman was wearing a mid-rib shirt (so Locomotion). Okay, nevermind the low-rise pants that are 2 sizes smaller, making the bulges... well, bulge. Pan to the left and there reveals white underwear blatantly overstretched out of the confines of her jeans' waistband. Holy! There's reflective glass surface everywhere and gracious God, she's not even taken time to check herself out on the newly cleaned Kenny Rogers Roasters window. Thank heavens it wasn't a thong. That would be more disgusting (not that they don't happen). Sigh. Poor unfortunate souls. Taking all that in, now I have to go to work. How grand. 0 Comments: |