Thursday, July 21, 2005
at 2am it was over
I'm finished. Last night, or should I say this morning, it ended. Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. I was trying so hard to stop myself from reading it all in one sitting. Okay so I did it in two. Not exactly meeting the objective of having slow, savory dosages. Why do I read so fast? Why? Dangit. And why do I have to be such a sucker for facts and trivial historical tidbits. Ayan tuloy.
I'd have to say that it was a brilliant book - because of the research put behind it. In terms of writing, well, I don't know. I was quite giddy-happy with the data dump. There were some parts that I thought would be better off unwritten or at least not belabored. There were parts that I really enjoyed reading (and visualizing). And then it came to end... What? This is it? It's over? That's the ending? I could not accept that that was the last page. Even when the next page was already the back end of the paperback. Okay, fine tapus na.
So for the rest of the day, I obsessed about researching for and validating the facts. I've surfed through the official website. I've looked at close-ups and close-ups of Da Vinci's art. Now I'm browsing through my boss' illustrated version of the book. Okay. So now what. Next book (which is till to be determined). But damn I hate it when a good book ends. 9 Comments:
i did the same thing after i read the book! sinearch ko talaga sa net then yun mga facts then i searched din madonna of the rocks and last supper. hay.. i love nice books.. :)