Sigh. Another telecon. This hold music is so suicidal. Any longer, I'll kill myself. Pace around the room. Toxic. Word of the day. It will be for the whole week. Sigh. Gaze out the window. Oh. Look. Hello sky.
Relax, relax... K, you ready? Slowly... inhale, breathe in the good things in life, exhale, inhale, breathe in the good things in life, exhale, ... You feeling better now? Relieved? If yes,
Sometimes bored. Most of the time oddly alive. Phobic of butterflies. Creatively suppressed. Hungry for coffee and shoes. This is my subconscious talking... at times interrupted by my reality.
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soundtrack of the moment
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
All words, verses and art are copyrighted to me unless otherwise specified. Authorization and reference required for any form of reproduction or use. Much thanks for your respect and support.
Wow impressive shot of K700i.
So what music does Elliott play?