Monday, February 27, 2006
what to say, what to say
I have this blogging block again. Nothing really substantial jumping out at me. I could write about this whole political hullaballoo happening. But then again, I don't really care. My boss calls me apathy in motion. So shoot me. I could also write about NFS Most Wanted, but you guys will probably not care about me beating #7 on the blacklist. Or me being lucky enough to get almost all of their pink slips (that's 6 out of 9 cars to be precise). I could also write about wanting this LOMO camera, and how Chips finds it so impractical while I find it rather amusing (driven by envy because one of my good friends has one). Of course that amusement comes at a pricetag of $200. Demmit.
I know money can't buy happiness. It can't solve problems (in a just and good way, at least). But a little more of it won't really hurt. Okay. I'm just being bitter. 6 Comments:
waaah dati ko pa guto ng lomo!! i badly badly want!!!! ganda noh???