Friday, August 25, 2006
little office joys
murder by pencils
We all try to keep ourselves happy at work. There are simple things I find joy in, some very insane, and some are objectible. What's your little office joy?

Sharpened pencils. I love it when they're all in a cup and nice and pointy. Anyone who makes a mistake of landing his/her palm into it shall be sorry and impaled. The nice grinding sound the sharpener makes gives a momentary high too.

Shredding paper. It gives you the feeling that you're flushing your problems to oblivion, blowing them into smithereens minus the explosives. There's a certain kind of rush.

Punching holes into paper and filing them. Filling up 3-hole binders with documents is a weird form of therapy for me. It makes it seem that my life is organized. I haven't filed my stuff in months. I should do it soon. This is very much connected to the shredding high.

Typing fast. The clickity-clackity of the keyboard when you're speedily typing about gives this sense of accomplishment. It makes you sound dedicated and passionate about whatever you're doing. Work or blogging. Hehe.

Shutting down your computer. Another day has ended. Yey.
dezphaire strapped in @ 10:53 AM  


  • At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when i do admin stuff like filing, ibig sabihin non tinatamad ako magtrabaho :P

  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger Lazarus said…

    the web and at least 3 cups of coffee keeps me sane at office all day.

  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger DanieL said…

    i love sharpening pencils using the regular sharpener bolted to the edge of a table. i don't like the electric sharpener for the simple reason that there's nothing else to do but stick the pencil through the hole.

    when i was a kid, i used to sharpen my dad's pencils in his office then break the tips so that i'd be able to sharpen them again.

    i was such a crazy boy.

  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger dreaming-neko said…

    you forgot coffee breaks :)

  • At 8:11 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    jojo: agree. it looks like work but it really isn't. it's my form of stalling what i really have to do. hehe.

    lazarus: the IT boys here just have that habit of blocking the fun stuff like YouTube. good thing they haven't gotten to blocking Blogger.

    Daniel: agree!!! that electric sharpener takes the high away from being in control. it's the closest thing to sharpening knives...

    neko: coffee is a given :) hehe. but yes, mixing coffee is a high.

  • At 8:57 AM, Blogger she said…

    di pa ko nakagamit ng paper shredder hehe

    so true, when your typing really fast, makes you feel your doing something really important and worthwhile

  • At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well, i never stay in my office. but my little joy in my room - which is where i do most of my work - is an orange floopy ball :) medyo nag-deflate na nga lang haha

  • At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i love it when it's time for me to shut down the computer :) that means i get to go home :)

  • At 8:05 AM, Blogger Wanderer said…

    dezphaire: about that flushing-down-the-toilet-problems feeling when you're shredding paper, the feeling is increased by ten fold if you shred bills. hahahahah!!

  • At 3:49 PM, Blogger Abaniko said…

    Mine's eating the nuts of our boss's secretary. She's fond of sharing her food to us. :D

  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    she: oh you should try to shred! it is the most wonderful thing.

    apester: floopy ball???

    thinz: oh yes. you can just fall in love with the sound Windows makes when it shuts down.

    wanderer: i've never tried shredding bills. coz there might be something i could still reimburse hehe.

    abaniko: hmmm junk food. and then you'd have crumbs all over the keyboard. and then ants...


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