Tuesday, November 07, 2006
giddy cheery happy me
I'm extraordinarily cheery today. I'm not usually cheery. I feel like I'm floating amidst this bright gleam. It's also making me feel unmotivated to work. Like I just want to skip around or something. It's abnormal, I know.
Why this absolutely questionable behavior you ask? Three things. One, I got Chips' early birthday gift. It's a pro Flickr account! Wee! I'm now a pro! Two, I finally got my Visa Debit card. Woot woot! I can now shop online! Someone please restrain me from going wild on ebay. Now if only Paypal would accept my card!!! Three, I will be getting the CD of my scanned slides from the Lomomanila Witch Project shoot. It's going to be ready for pick-up by 5PM. I can't wait. I have a meeting with Clients at 4PM. Then I have a meeting with the Creative guys. Oh when to sneak, when to sneak! I want to see my pixies!!! 3 Comments: |
oo nga! malapit na birthday mo! aren't birthdays the best?