Tuesday, January 30, 2007
vanity strikes

vanity strikes
Originally uploaded by dezphaire.

This is what happens when you have a new toy with you as you go shopping. Mango was going about its end-of-season sale. The dress I'm wearing in the photo was down to 2,000Php (wow, like that made it all of a sudden affordable). I decided to relegate the funds to more purchases of film.

I always like going into the sales of high-end stores. Even if i'm 90% sure I would end up buying nothing. I'm just hoping somehow I'd stumble across a great find. There was this time I got my hands on this very glam puffa vest at Mango. The tag said 799Php. WOW goddammit I can't let this pass! I was hanging onto it for dear life as I browsed through the rest of the racks. When I was about to pay for it, the counter lady said it was tagged wrong. And that it was actually 1,000++ something. ACK! The horror. The dismay. I knew it was too good to be true.

I'm such a cheapskate. Maybe I should just stick to ukay. And make it glam by virtue of personality.

dezphaire strapped in @ 10:21 AM  


  • At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The shots looks CD-ish cover to me. I am now broke after purchasing Baby Safari. Argh, my plastic is dying if I buy another gadget.

    i don't know why few "little things" I like always have to be expensive.

  • At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you look beautiful on the picture.

    i also do the same, i hang-out at hi-end stores taking chances for bargains.

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger vina said…

    i used to go loco over mango sales.
    i don't know what happened.
    have i changed? i don't think so. i've just become a fan of SM department store, haha!

  • At 4:14 PM, Blogger Padakkam said…

    yo fozz... nice blog :)
    im loving this lomo thing.. does it have digital equivalent?

  • At 9:36 PM, Blogger Abaniko said…

    Hey Dez, you look like a European model in the pic. About the wrongly tagged item, actually you can always insist that they follow the one on the tag. I did this before with a book and they were left with no other option but to give the said book to me at the indicated tag price. I saved P800 on that purchase.


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