Saturday, August 07, 2004
know your target market
It all started with apester's blog, when she wrote about Truth in Advertising. Suggest you read her post before proceeding...
So one time as I was on my way home, I just wanted to see it for myself. That "Gigolo presents RECTUM" banner. Chips was in on the story, he found it sureally hilarious and wanted to see it as well. So we drive by (my house is just around the area) and get a visual. We laugh. Then I realize that there's something written under it. A subtitle. In it's complete glory, it deserved another round of deep, uncontrolled laughter: RECTUM. Prisoners of Desire.Chips actually wanted to take a picture of it. So as he was going to pick me up yesterday morning (it was his birthday and we were going to the beach), he was ready with his digital camera. But lo and behold, the banner was gone. Replaced by a new banner with a title nonetheless of the same touch: Gigolo presents BAKAT.When we drove by that night (don't get me wrong about this, the place is on the way home, okay) and there were so many cars that some were double-parked on the street. They must really know how to satisfy their target market. 2 Comments: |
(hmmm. nag-post ako ng comment kanina and it's gone. oh no. imprisoned in the rectum i bet)
man, bakat. ano ba yan? may campaign siguro sila... i wonder what it's going to be next week :)
may 'prisoners of desire' pa pala! wahahahahha! geez. i'm getting nasty images of how and where the imprisonment happens. i'm sure those pig people can relate :P