Monday, November 08, 2004
sick as a dog, going to vommit
I'm feeling mighty under the weather today. I didn't go to work. I wonder if I'd rather be at work or sick. As much as I'd like to be my limber and somewhat perky self, I can't. I'm bound to my room. And so I just spent the day groaning and napping and watching TV.
My sister was watching Shrek 2 on DVD so that cheered me up a little. Also there's that Travel Sick show on Channel [v] which was so hilarious. Then there's Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel. I also checked on my Friendster account, which I haven't even touched in ages. I discover that it's not very friendly. It takes eons to set a photo as your primary photo and it seems to have a healthy disliking for photo deletion. And even if you've deleted all your messages, your Home still says you've got one unread message. Hellur. I got to finally view the La Luz vacation pics from Chips' digital camera. I just wish we could go back. I tried uploading one of them into my Friendster. It wouldn't work. Maybe we're not friendsters anymore. My mom just texted me and she's getting me the 4th season of CSI on DVD. Yey. That's going to be in the agenda tomorrow. 5 Comments:
La Luz is in laiya, san juan right? maybe next time you'd want to try VIRGIN Resort :) it's cheaper and i love the white curtains on the cottages... but you get the same clean laiya waters :)