Monday, March 07, 2005
guy things
They may be Chips-specific, but I'll just lump them into a judgement call on the other half of the species. Some people may be able to relate. They may be consumer insights that advertisers could latch onto. To me they're little amusing tidbits that keep our relationship entertaining.

On being pampered.
Chips wanted to get a car wash. It rained the day before and his white car was riddled with those little muddy droplets. He felt dirty. Apparently the car is an extension of his body.

The carwash boy blows water onto the car with a high-pressure hose. Next came the soap.
"Ah. That feels so refreshing."
My brows furrowed. "So when they wash your car it's like you're taking a bath too."
"Yep." With a very pleased smile.
"Okaaaay." Strangely I don't feel the same way about my shoes.
The tires are by this time being soaked and sponged with soap.
"Oh oh... especially when they wash the tires..."
Okay. Here we go with the tires...
"... it's like a foot spa."

On making a point.
On some mornings we take C5 and McKinley Rd. going to Makati. Of course, you pass by all the nice houses and get to see all the nice cars whizzing by. On this certain morning, we were graced by the semi-presence (because it was speeding past us) of a red Ferrari.

Chips turns his head then looks at me excitedly with big eyes (well, as big as his eyes could get).
"Hun, did you see that?"
"What." Groggily.
"D'ya know what that was?"
Furrowed brows. Again. "What."
"That was a Ferrari!"
"A Ferrari baby!"
"It was going too fast." Honestly, I just saw this red blur, having zero caffeine yet.
"That was a Ferrari!"
I couldn't count how many times I heard that word "Ferrari" that morning.

On integrity.
We take Obi-Wan to the National Bookstore complex at Quezon Ave. Chips was the one walking him as we went to Globe and to the Outlet Yard. You can't imagine how many people (mostly kids) were attracted to the unlikely duo (Chips is 5'11" and Obi is... a furball with a bell).

Back in the car.
"Chick-magnet talaga ang dog." He says.
Ahem. "Why, were there any chicks today?"
"Well, they were mostly kids... but still... it's possible."
Yeah, true.
"Hey, I know! Let's try a day I'll leave Obi with you in Eastwood..."
He drives, with an inquisitive look on his face.
"...and at the end of the day let's see how many girls you picked up." Laugh out loud.
Revoltingly... "Ano ka ba Hun! What are you talking about?!?"
Immediately followed by an "...okay."
Laughter fills the car.

Four years of that. Can you imagine. Hehe. And I love every second of it.
dezphaire strapped in @ 9:53 AM  


  • At 12:58 AM, Blogger Cat said…

    Awww.. this is a nice post. 4 years and you'd think that you're like an old married couple already but no, you're not. You're in love with him just like you were on the first day.. and perhaps even more. :)

    A and I are also like that. We have conversations that you can't help but find too cute. (I guess you know what I mean) :) Sigh, we're lucky to find someone we, aside from love, have chemistry with. :)

  • At 9:04 AM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    jojo: how we put up with men in general makes all of us deserving of medals!

    cat: i know this seemingly sarcastic post has mush undertones all over. i was typing this up beaming.


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Sometimes bored. Most of the time oddly alive. Phobic of butterflies. Creatively suppressed. Hungry for coffee and shoes. This is my subconscious talking... at times interrupted by my reality.

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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
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