Thursday, July 28, 2005
post tarantino disorder
I am not really a Tarantino fan. I know that his treatments are cutting-edge, and that he is loved and respected for such. I am, however, a CSI fan (if you couldn't tell already). I have literally watched every episode since its launch. And that season 5 ender left me disturbed.
I was sitting comfortably in a sofa, eyes glued to the TV set. I even watched the commercials (God, even that Cream-O desecration of CSI and that poorly scored Innova ad). I could feel some palpitations. It was a tense episode, the whole team helpless and naked of evidence. It was a good plot - the suspense of having a lead as the victim just sends your brain to the panicked world of what-ifs. What's also good is that each character was given a critical role in the case, even Hodges and Archie. But still, Grissom (of course) rules. Reading raving reviews online this morning, I found out that the episode was filled with allusions to other shows and to Tarantino's previous work (I couldn't tell). The reviews also provide a deeper analysis on the symbolisms and whys of the episode - greatly appreciated. But - so what really disturbed me. Note that I am not on analysis mode. Knee-jerk reaction while watching - impatience. There were scenes that I felt that were not needed. The episode was all about the essence of time. Yet I felt things were belabored. I did not need to see a whole sequence establishing two dirty old men with Sam Braun to likewise establish his dirtiness. There were shots that just lingered a wee bit too long. More lingering and it could have passed for a Filipino Telenovela. And why was that orchard chosen? What made it the orchard? Not to say that the episode wasn't suspenseful though. These are just nits (and I'm picking on them - mark of an account manager). And the biggest nit of all for me - that mega allusion to Kill Bill. The black and white showcase of morbidity. I later on rationalized that Nick's delusional state could be license enough for such treatment. But it came so late in the game that it was like a mushroom sprouting out of nowhere. I felt that it was so un-CSI. Maybe if there were little mushrooms (i.e. an installment of that delusional morbid treatment) sprouting out earlier so when the big mushroom comes, it wouldn't be as jarring. Well, that's just me. Again, I'm not a really Tarantino fan. It may be biased opinion. But still, I love Grissom. That ant thing was just classic. 4 Comments:
Hey, you know what? I watched Quentin Tarantino's interview on Late Night with Conan O'Brien last night (same night that the finale was shown here in the Phils) and he talked about the finale. Yup, he patterned the story after an ABC After School Special called The Longest Night. Apparently, the story stuck to him when he saw it at 8 years old and he thought it would be a great storyline. As a fan of CSI, he realized that the story was good for an episode and he asked if he could direct it. He later found out that (if I remember correctly), the father of one of CSI's producers was the director of The Longest Night.