Thursday, March 29, 2007
i can be brown i can blue i can be violet sky


My happy song of the moment. It makes me smile. It makes me want to jump and throw my arms up like a madwoman. It makes work bearable. I just can't reach the high notes.
dezphaire strapped in @ 10:10 AM  


  • At 7:36 PM, Blogger vina said…

    yeah...the tune's really quite catchy, eh? this is actually the first time i saw/heard the video in full since i always catch it in bits at mtv.

    slightly off topic. have you heard the opm song 'turning my safety off' of sino si kat? it's really nice :)

  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    i surfed the lyrics... he says "i can be hurtful i can be purple" haha. i can be that too!

  • At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Grace Kelly is topping my rotation for a month now.... and I got tired so I opted for Jenny's spanish album.

    Mika is a mix of Scissor Sister, a little of Freddie Mercury, and on the pop side, Robbie Williams.

    Try Lollipop, it's fun!


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Location: Philippines

Sometimes bored. Most of the time oddly alive. Phobic of butterflies. Creatively suppressed. Hungry for coffee and shoes. This is my subconscious talking... at times interrupted by my reality.

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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
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