Sunday, August 15, 2004
a month-sary again forgotten
The good thing about this time was that we both forgot about it. He just remembered it before I did. Haha. So what do you do to enjoy a day you didn't know marked three years and seven months of being together?

1. You go to Universal Records' CD sale. Where old CD's are just 100 bucks and singles are just at 20. Buy Jesus Christ Superstar, Sheryl Crow, Pulp, INXS and Oceania CD's. It's like the ukay-ukay for music lovers.

2. Go to the gym. And watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics while trying to concentrate on your work out. Ang sakit ng katawan ko. Shet.

3. Go shopping. My self-proclaimed cool-down regimen. I was hunting for gym shorts and weight lifting gloves. Ack! Is this me? Is it? Who am I? Who are you? Aaaaaack!

It was at this point that Chips, going up the escalator with me, asked for a peck on the cheek (I should have seen this coming, but no). He asked me, "what do you say?" And I was like, uuuhhh thank you? No. Ummm I love you? No. What then? Happy Anniv. And it was this point that my eyes widened with a matching gasp. He chuckled. He admitted he forgot it too.

4. Buy Pancit Palabok from Red Ribbon. Combined with home-cooked Adobo and buttered corn, aaaahhh the perfect dinner. And we didn't even have to re-heat anything.

After dinner, lounge around watching the Discovery Channel.

5. Get Halo-Halo from Chowking before taking me home. It's truly the simple things that make a celebration special.

How did Chips get to remember our Anniv? He was looking at all the SALE posters around the mall and thought to himself, ang daming sale! August 13, 14, 15. Fourteen... fourteen... anniv!

I knew it. Sales are always good. Haha.
dezphaire strapped in @ 1:17 PM  


  • At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    jayvee says:

    truly the funniest post i have read in a long time!
    wow you guys are still together.. shucks ang tagal ah. get married na nga!!


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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis. But it's just the price to pay, Destiny is calling me. Open up my eager eyes 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside -- "Mr. Brightside" The Killers
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