Wednesday, August 11, 2004
cravings and intellectual compulsions
Because I am stressed, PMS-ing and really just a nerd at heart.

1. shawarma with cheese from Food Channel
2. gravy. regardless if it's with KFC or Chicken McDo
3. bacon
4. ukay-ukay
5. and last but definitely not the least, shoes

I blame the Discovery Channel for this. They had a special on Nefertiti. While watching it, my brain (seemingly stuck in college) was recalling the Nefertiti portrayal in the movie The Mummy Returns and was simultaneously analyzing how consistent it was with her real life. I drew myself into the thick of this thesis.

Imhotep was also in the movie. Imhotep had a lover, Anck-sun-amun. And we all know that Nefertiti had this beautiful fight sequence with Anck-sun-amun. In the movie, Nefertiti was the daughter of a Pharoah. I research, hunt for information, being the geek that I am. I find that Imhotep was actually an architect in the 3rd Dynasty. Nefertiti was Queen of the 18th Dynasty. Malabo ata silang mag-abot. Anck-sun-amun is in reality one of the six daughters of Nefertiti, later betrothed to her half brother, the would-be King Tut. So, parang hindi sila pwedeng mag-duel kung ganun. Also, Nefertiti did not have royal lineage.

Half of me is satisfied with the conclusion of inconsistency. Half still wants to trudge through records and books about ancient Egyptian history.

I shouldn't have skimmed through our Encyclopedia when I was in 5th grade. I mutter to myself, "Nerd."
dezphaire strapped in @ 11:28 AM  


  • At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oooohhhhh bacon! yeba! sometimes i think i go to pancake house more for the bacon than the pancakes :)

    ukay and shoes? hm. i have a friend who, knowing her, probably shares these cravings... you might know her... ahehehehhe :P


  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger dezphaire said…

    bacon rules! so far i've satisfied 1 out of the 5 cravings: gravy on Chicken McDo.

    i just compulsively bought 2 plain tees from Terranova this morning, even if I didn't need them, but just borne out of the lure of four letters and 3 digits: SALE 399.

    i'm flat broke (with a lot of money lost and unaccounted for) and payday is still a day away. ARG. i can imagine Chips shaking his head...

  • At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    at least ikaw a day away.. ako parang a week away pa and it's already gone :)

    sigh. i wish i had a more regular bacon supply. they stopped frying here at home for health reasons daw. yeah, whatever. hehe

    oh, the next time you go to baguio, try the bacon at cafe by the ruins... it's not the thin, crispy kind but they cure it themselves and it's quite yummy :)

    da apester


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