Tuesday, July 11, 2006
little girl goal
When I was a kid, I loved the sound of the typewriter. I'd watch my mom and dad click away. And then after each line, there'd be that almost magical ching! like it was a prize for typing nice and fast or something. It amazed me how their fingers could clatter about the keys, mindlessly, but making sense. I was a little girl hypnotized by it all. I wanted to make that same fast clicking sound. I wanted to be like my dad.
I did my first short story on the typewriter. I couldn't type as fast as my dad and I had to use loads of them correction tapes. So when I got to high school, I was ecstatic that we had typing class. Shallow, I know. But it was a childhood thing. I had to accomplish it. I felt that my piano lessons worked to my advantage. Hehe. Fast forward through college and into the corporate world, I type fairly fast and pretty accurately now. It helps when you're a prolific notetaker. At least I've got one of my life goals down, no matter how miniscule it is. And just to make me feel better about this, I took an online typing test. According to this site, I type an average of 78 words per minute, with an accuracy rate of 97%. Care to try it too? 12 Comments:
I got 78% so freaking lousy. Well I just woke up, that's why. But honestly my typing skills are bad and when I was a kid everytime I see an office with a typewriter, I thought people who works there were rich and super talented people.
Buti super rich na ako kasi I'm using a laptop na pero bobo dahil ang hirap mag type. Hahaha.